

    Google Classroom

    Go to classroom.google.com and click Sign In.
    2. Sign in with your child's Google email account.
    (student#@sausdlearns.net, password 8-digit birthdate)
    3. On the Classes page, click Add.
    4. Join class with class code:skh6n66 and click join.
    5. Viola! That's it!

    This is where you will find your child's daily assignments. After completing each assignment, click "Turn In". Students will have approximately 60 min of daily work to complete, while I meet with other small groups. Most of the assignments will be a combination of printing practice and online programs such as ST MATH, LEXIA.

    Please sign in the site before Monday.



    We will continue with Lexia Learning, our online reading program. I am a HUGE fan of it because Lexia assess each child’s reading level, then progresses the student through reading skills at their individualized reading level. When students reach a level that is challenging for them, it generally takes about 2 months to progress through that level.

    Website: https://www.lexiacore5.com/register
    Teacher Email: kathleen.james@sausd.us
    Username: Your child’s student number.
    Password: Your child’s initials and their birthdate.
    (Jane Smith = js0618).

    The goal is to have each student login independently. This typically happens in December/January, after much practice, but maybe since your child had a TK year that process will be sped up.  Who knows, maybe it has happened already? If so, awesome!  If not, it will come with practice.

    ST Math

    We will continue with ST Math, an online math program our class will be utilizing this year. ST Math is a conceptual, interactive math program for students in K-5th grades. The program allows the teacher to monitor each student’s progress and helps the students learn math in a different way than typically introduced in the classroom.  In the classroom, we normally teach number sense and ST Math allows students to experience the spatial elements of Math.

    The program starts with students learning and practicing their passwords. The passwords are picture based. The ST Math passwords (a series of pictures) are in your child’s Learning Kits. The goal is to have each student login independently. This typically happens within a couple weeks, after much practice J

    Website: https://play.stmath.com/
    School Site: Santiago
    Password: refer to your child’s folder

Last Modified on August 28, 2024