James, Kathleen
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Welcome to Santiago!
- Three Little Pigs May 25th
- Sound Work Videos With Mrs. James
- Goldilocks May 18th
- Hansel and Gretel May 11th
- May the 4th Be With You
- Jack and the Beanstalk May 4th
- The Gingerbreadman April 27th
- Enormous Turnip April 20th
- Ugly Duckling April 13th
- Sight Words
- Educational Links by Subject
- Helpful Links
- Science Links
- Reading Resources
- Optional Homework
- 8 Weeks of Closure Notes to Parents
- Welcome to Room 4!
- Santiago Educational Programs and Usage Dates
- Beginning of the Year Information
Pick and choose what you would like to do from our optional enrichment story and activities. Let us know what you enjoy doing.
Story of the Week: Ugly Duckling
Comprehension Questions (for discussion):
Who are the characters?
What problem is the main character facing?
How is the problem solved?
How does the story end?
What do the animals at the end show you about how they think?
Can you describe the setting of the story?
Letter and Sounds:
What Do the Letters Say? (What Does the Fox Say? Parody)
Sight Word Practice:
ELF Learning
Writing Topics:
Use any of the above questions, use the sentence frames below, or write about whatever you think is interesting from the story.
You can also draw a picture of your favorite character and write a sentence telling why they are your favorite:
My favorite character is __________ because __________.
How would you feel if you were the duckling? Why?
If I were the ducking I would feel __________ because __________.
Research activity (for discussion):
This is to learn extra facts about swans. I typed in Swan facts for Kindergarten and some helpful sites.
Swans! Swan Facts for Kids (Video)
Cool Kid Facts (Website)
Easy Science for Kids (Website)
Art: Draw a Swan (2 options)
Robin Art School Swan
Put a setting/background in your drawing. Put a setting/background in your drawing.
This is a counting concept video with the Numberblocks.
Dance and Sing:
Months of the Year Song https://youtu.be/5enDRrWyXaw
Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Get Yo Body Movin
STEAM Challenge: Science
You will need empty plastic Easter Eggs, Playdough, a toy to balance on the egg tower.
Ask: How can you make an egg tower that can balance a toy on it?
Imagine: Think of how you are going to make your tower support a toy on top.
Plan: Draw/sketch your idea.
Create: Make it!
Test: Test it and see it if you can balance the toy on top.
Redesign: If it did not work can you try again? Why do you think it did not work? If it did work, can you make it even taller?
Present: Send me a picture or a video and share with me how it went.
If this challenge doesn’t excite you, search for any experiment or STEAM project (for Kinder) with an egg that you think you will like.