Industry Sectors
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- Transportation and Logistics
Transportation Industry Sector
Offered at: Santa Ana Valley Career Pathways
Aviation and Aerospace Transportation ServicesCollision Repair and RefinishingVehicle Maintenance, Service, and Repair
The Transportation sector is designed to provide a foundation in transportation services for all industrial technology education students in California. The pathways emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant experiences of significant scope and depth in Aviation and Aerospace Transportation Services, Collision Repair and Refinishing, and Vehicle Maintenance, Service, and Repair.The standards are designed to integrate academic and technical preparation and focus on career awareness, career exploration, and skill preparation in the three pathways. Integral components include classroom, laboratory, hands-on contextual learning, and project- and work-based instruction as well as internship, community classroom, cooperative career technical education, and leadership development. The Transportation sector standards prepare students for continued training, postsecondary education, and entry to a career.
Last Modified on October 27, 2021