• Marketing, Sales, and Service Industry Sector

    Offered at: Century Valley

    Career Pathways


    International Trade 
    Professional Sales and Marketing


    The Marketing, Sales, and Service sector is designed to align career path course work with current and projected employment opportunities. Marketing includes the processes and techniques of transferring products or services to consumers and is a function of almost every business. It exists within an environment of rapidly changing technology, interdependent nations and economies, and increasing demands for ethical and social responsibility.
    The four pathways in this sector, E-commerce, Entrepreneurship, International Trade, and Professional Sales and Marketing, emphasize training to meet the growing need for marketing professionals with skills in communication, global marketing, marketing strategies, product and service management, promotion, and selling concepts. These pathways provide a firm foundation for advanced education, entry to a career, and success in the global marketplace.
    E Commerce Pathway
Last Modified on October 27, 2021