• Public Services Industry Sector

     Offered at: Santa Ana

    Career Pathways


    Human Services 
    Legal and Government Services 
    Protective Services


    The Public Services sector provides a foundation for secondary students in government, public administration, public safety, legal, and human services. Students engage in an instructional program that integrates academic and technical preparation and focuses on career awareness, career exploration, and skill preparation in the industry.
    The sector encompasses three career pathways: Human Services, Legal and Government Services, and Protective Services. These pathways emphasize processes, systems, and services related to serving the public's interest. The knowledge and skills are acquired within a sequential, standards-based pathway program that integrates classroom, laboratory, and project- and work-based instruction as well as internship, community classroom, work experience, and cooperative career technical education. Standards included in the Public Services sector are designed to prepare students for technical training, postsecondary education, and entry to a career.
    Human Services Pathway 
Last Modified on October 27, 2021