Whitney Carriganwhitney.carrigan@sausd.usGodinez Fundamental High SchoolRoom: 1236Period 1 Medical CorePeriod 2 Sports MedicinePeriod 3 Medical CorePeriod 4 Medical CorePeriod 5 Sports MedicinePeriod 6 Prep Period
Career Pathways
Biotechnology Research and Development
Diagnostic Services
Health Informatics
Support Services
Therapeutic ServicesThe standards in the Health Science and Medical Technology sector represent the academic and technical skills and knowledge students need to pursue a full range of career opportunities in this sector, from entry level to management, including technical and professional career specialties.The career pathways are grouped into functions that have a common purpose and require similar attributes. The career pathways are Biotechnology Research and Development, Diagnostic Services, Health Informatics, Support Services, and Therapeutic Services Standards for each career path build on and continue the foundation standards with more complexity, rigor, and career specificity.Download brochure: Health Science and Medical Technology