Professional development generally refers to ongoing learning opportunities available to teachers, and other education personnel, through their schools and districts. Effective professional development is seen as increasingly vital to school success and teacher satisfaction. With schools today facing an array of complex challenges—from working with an increasingly diverse population of students, to integrating new technology in the classroom, to meeting rigorous academic standards and goals—observers have stressed the need for teachers to be able to enhance and build on their instructional knowledge (National Commission on Teaching & America's Future, 1996 Education Week).

    Professional Development activities are provided for:

    • CTE Intermediate and High School teachers
    • CTE faculty, administrators
    • Career Technicians and career guidance counselors who are involved in integrated career and technical education programs. 

    CTE Staff Development activities relevant to goals, objective and strategies include the following:

    • Internship programs that provide relevant business experience;
    • use and application of technology to improve instruction;
    • initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology; and
    • provide activities to prepare special populations for high skill, high wage or high demand jobs. 

    In addition, Professional Development activities include the following:

    • Articulation Events with community colleges,
    • Course Specific Workshops,
    • Vital Link Advisory Panels,
    • Professional Organizations, and
    • Teacher Externships


    Agenda's for CTE PDs   

    PD for 2020-2021

    PD Link 3/18/2021 Agenda

    PD Link 2/18/2021 Agenda

    PD  Link 11/05/2020 to Agenda 

    PD 09/09/2020 Agenda 

    Agenda's for CTE PDs 2019-2020

    PD 3/05/20 Link to Agenda

    PD 2/06/20 Link to Agenda

    PD 11/7/19 Link to Agenda

    PD 10/3/19 Link to Agenda

    PD 9/5/19 Link to Agenda


    Agendas' for 2018-2019

    PD 09/05/18  Link to Agenda

    PD 11/29/18 Link to Agenda

    PD 01/17/19 Link to Agenda

    PD  03/14/19 Link to Agenda

Last Modified on March 18, 2021