Articulation is the process of evaluating courses to determine whether coursework completed at a high school or CTE meets the requirements at a community college or post-secondary institution whether by course-to-course equivalency, credit by exam, or dual enrollment. The student is given credit for the receiving institution's class after earning a “C” or better in the sending institution's class.

    The articulation process is designed to help students advance from one course, program or educational level to the next without repeating essentially the same course they took while in high school. By receiving college credit while still enrolled in high school, students can complete a certificate or degree program in a shorter time. 

    What Articulation Does For Students

    • Minimizes course duplication, reducing costs for students and institutions
    • Allows students to receive college credit while in high school and/or CTE
    • Provides incentive for students to continue their education
    • Prepares students for higher education


    These are agreements between two or more schools in which they mutually agree to accept some courses as if the course had been done on their own premises. In other words, if a school has an articulation agreement with  Santa Ana College, the agreement would specify which courses would transfer to SAC and give credit for the equivalent course. A student having successfully completed that course at his or her high school would receive credit for the equivalent course at SAC.

    Santa Ana Unified School District/CTE presently has articulation agreements with the Rancho Santiago Community College District, Coastline Community College District, and Fullerton Community College.

Last Modified on August 3, 2015