Ancient Civilizations Banner
  • Welcome to Social Science - Ancient Civilizations!


    Course Description: As we begin the school year, I would like to provide you with information on what to expect in your 6th Grade Social Science class. We will begin the school year by developing the skills necessary to learn and understand ancient history. These skills include the ability to read maps, charts, and graphs; how to distinguish geographical features, how to answer essential questions in history (who, what, where, when, why, and how); and more. We will explore the prehistoric and ancient civilizations that laid the foundations of modern history. Topics to be studied throughout the year are supported by the California History-Social Science Framework (2016) and California History-Social Science Standards. They include:

    • The Development of Humankind (Standard 6.1)
    • Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush (Standard 6.2)
    • Ancient Hebrews (Standard 6.3)
    • Ancient Greece (Standard 6.4)
    • Early Civilizations of India (Standard 6.5)
    • Early Civilizations of China (Standard 6.6)
    • Ancient Rome (Standard 6.7)

    We will also develop our historical thinking skills, such as: historical significance, cause and consequence, continuity and change, historical perspectives, primary source evidence, and ethical dimensions. Lastly, we use GATE icons to fuel thinking, discussions, and assignments.

Impact McGraw Hill
Last Modified on June 27, 2023