Name: Mrs.AnneMarie Streckfus
Phone number: Google Voice cell/text 949-436-8876
On Campus In-Person Learning: 714-558-5100 x56515
ParentSquare and Canvas Email
Student Office Hours: Thursdays 2:30 to 3pm (September to May)
Email Address: or
In-Person Instruction 2024-25:
Welcome back to campus for our Math 7. Students can access all class information in Canvas with their Chromebook. Canvas has a Student Calendar for due dates, Daily Announcements on what we are working on that day, details on each Assignment and most assignments have Math Intervention Tutorial Video's for students with step-by-step help on key CPM Review & Preview problems. Mrs. Streckfus sync's grades from Canvas to Aeries each Monday and Friday, many times mutiple times each week. Please see the Syllabus Tab for more details on our classes. I have been in our District for 17 years and here at Villa Fundamental Intermediate for 15 years. I look forward to helping your student grow in their math knowledge!
Students go to their Google Drive, click on the Waffle and then click on the Canvas Icon to log in.
Please click on the image for the video or the icon below for the website