Topic/Objective Beginning Art
Tangram 1, 2, 4, 6
Writing for Art 5/4-5/8
Essential Question/Concept?
What new shape can I make with my pieces?What interesting story can I write to go along with each?5/4/15 I need to get my pieces glued down in the shape I want.
- must use all seven (7) pieces (from same picture)
- pieces must touch
- pieces do NOT overlap
[Story goes on a separate piece of paper... will be typed up & then attached]
5/5/15 I should have two (2) Tangram pictures complete by the end of the period. Then, I work on my stories/paragraphs.5/6/15 This is the last day for glue. At least two projects should be completed. When I am done with those, I work on the stories to go along with them (at least one paragraph each).REMINDERSproject paragraph 1) use all seven (7) pieces of the square picture 1) about your design/picture 2) pieces must touch 2) at least one (1) paragraph 3) pieces DO NOT overlap 3) separate piece of paper (in binder) 4) will be typed in computer lab & shared through Google Drive 5/7/15 Today, I work on my paragraph stories. When I am done, I work on the vocabulary review worksheet.5/8/15 We are going to spend part of the time today reviewing the last Scholastic Art Magazine. The other part of the class period, I can work on my paragraphs or review worksheet.
Last Modified on May 10, 2015