• Research has shown that parent involvement is the foundation of a vital, strong partnership between the school staff and parents, and is crucial to student success in school.  Muir is pleased to offer many different ways for parents to participate and support their children's efforts and achievements as they grow both socially and academically.
    1. Support school policies and procedures as outlined in the JMFS Agreement signed by parents and students each year.
    2. Provide your student with a quiet, supervised place to do homework.
    3. Praise your child's efforts and achievements.  Focus on the positive and believe in their ability to succeed.  Help them learn from their mistakes.
    4. Participate in the school decision-making process through involvement in the Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO), School Site Council (SSC), and Staff/Parent School Committees.
    5. Be involved in your child's classroom, library, fundraisers, PFO activities, etc.
    As part of the JMFS Agreement, each family is asked to serve at least 12 service hours per year.  Parents and volunteers are required to bring an ID and go through our Raptor System before going on campus.
    Some volunteer work may be completed at home.  Please contact your child's teacher to make these arrangements.
    JMFS parents are also asked to attend Back to School Night, Parent Conferences, Open House and 3 PFO meetings per year.
Last Modified on February 20, 2019