• Missing/Incomplete
    Homework and Class Assignments
    • Incomplete means the assignment is not finished, wrong assignment, or missing required parent signature
    • Homework is due when the school day begins
    • Students will receive an oops slip to be signed that night by a parent and miss recess for missing or incomplete homework or class work assignment daily.  Unsigned oops slips count as missing homework.
    • Students may receive and "N" on their report card for five (5) or more missing or incomplete homework or class work assignments in any given trimester.  A parent conference will be scheduled after four (4) oops slips.
    • After the 5th infraction a SST meeting will be held with an administrator/facilitator.
    • At the 7th infraction, the student will be formally placed on probation.
    • If probation is violated and there are 11 missed assignments, the student may be transferred to the neighborhood school or other school of parent choice.
Last Modified on November 2, 2018