Warffuel, M. - Social Studies
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Class Syllabus
7th Grade Social Studies – Overview and Expectations
Teacher: Dr Warffuel
(714) 567-3300
Room 4105
I Overview : Social Studies combines geography and history in the study of different cultures from medieval to early modern times. 7th grade Social Studies is a fun class. We examine the important people, places, events, and ideas from all over the world between approximately A.D. 400 – A.D. 1700. We learn about Rome, Islam, knights and castles, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, Japan and samurai warriors, and many, many more interesting people who have contributed great things to our world. The class will analyze the various parts of culture and components of civilization including forms of government, social order, religion, art, writing, economy, and daily life.
Students will be asked to think, speak, read, write, and participate, and ask lots of questions about the world long ago and today. We will work collaboratively and cooperatively to become better readers, writers, speakers, thinkers, and citizens. Our goal is to prepare students for High School and beyond and develop into productive, 21st Century citizens.
Class Format: Online classes follow the bell schedule. Students need to appear on time, and generally keep themselves muted. The chat box is to be used for relevant questions and discussion, not play.
In person, the class starts as soon as the tardy bell rings. Students will have required materials ready on top of their desk and backpacks under their chairs when the tardy bell rings. Students will fill in their calendar immediately with the day’s assignment. Class begins with direct instruction and ends with student work time. Students will be dismissed only by the teacher. Until further notice, masks must be worn at all times
II Expectations: I hope both the students and the teacher share the same “Golden Rule”:
“Encourage the teacher to teach and the students to learn in a safe, enjoyable, and respectful way.”
To help all of us meet this simple goal, students will be expected to:
- Come on time, prepared (chrome book, notebook, colored pencils, etc.) and ready to learn every day.
- Be attentive and respectful in class.
- Complete all work, even when absent (call a friend, contact teacher, call school).
- “Do the right thing.”
III Grading – You will earn points by doing work. Late work is not accepted, except under special circumstances. Make-up work will be accepted for excused absences only.
Formal Assessments (tests/quizzes, presentations, projects) – approx. 50% of grade
Informal Assessments (class work, individual responses, etc.) – approx. 50% of grade
Citizenship Grade (O, S, N, U) – combination of behavior, attitude, effort, participation
90%-100% - A
80%-89.9% - B
70%-79.9% - C
60%-69.9% - D
0%- 59.9% - F
IV Homework – There is no set homework policy. My advice is that you always review what was done in class that day. Stay organized by throwing away unneeded papers. Redo work that is not excellent.
V Parents – Parents are the most important part of a child’s education. Show you care by:
- providing a quiet place to work.
- asking your child to show you what they did today.
- communicating with teacher via internet or phone.
- The teacher may contact the parents by several methods including phone calls, automated telephone messages, Emails, texting, parent square, etc. If the parent’s phone number changes, please notify the school registrar as soon as possible. If a parent conference is requested or the parents simply have a question about the class, please call Dr. Warffuel at 714-567-3300.
VI Student Responsibilities:
- Be in your seat with materials ready before the bell rings. Online: be on time.
- Bring all required materials and supplies every day.
- Keep the room clean and treat school property with care
- Be polite and use good manners.
- Call people by their proper names.
- Be in uniform and follow dress code. . Online: be properly dressed.
- Listen carefully during instruction.
- Ask questions and participate in class activities.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
- Work without disturbing other students.
- Complete all work as neat as they are able to.
- Complete classwork and homework on time.
- Know your grade.
- Always try your best and never give up.
I understand and agree to fulfill expectations discussed above.
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