Murrieta, A. - Language Arts
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Class Syllabus & Agenda
2024-2025 Agenda (6th Grade)
Check the Agenda to view what we are doing in class and what homework students have.
Mrs. Murrieta's 2024-2025 Course Syllabus
Course: 6th Grade Language Arts/Honors
Instructor: Mrs. Murrieta Classroom: 4204
Email: or
Class Website:
Phone: (714) 567-3300 ex. 52104
Tutoring: I am available for tutoring Mondays,Tuesdays, & Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 *You must tell me you are coming so I know to wait for you!*
Class Overview:
Throughout the year you will be increasing your skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. We will use technology, literature and expository texts, incorporating critical reading and writing skills. We will experience literature in various genres through classroom and independent reading. We will also be using Google Classroom as our classroom management systems. Curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Curriculum: The curriculum for this course aligns with the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts and the College and Career Readiness Standards, which may be viewed on the California Board of Education website,
Sustained Silent Reading: In addition to classroom reading, students will be responsible for setting a reading goal for self-selected, level appropriate novels throughout the year. The novel should be in class every day. Students will track reading on a digital reading log.
Chromebook Usage: All students will have the privilege to use a chromebook during class. Students are expected to follow the school-wide guidelines for proper electronics usage and show excellent digital citizenship. Failure to comply with the classroom chromebook usage rules may result in the confiscation of the chromebook and loss of electronic privileges.
Plagiarism/Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is expected on all assignments. Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of another as one’s own. Cheating on an assignment or assessment is another activity that violates ethics and school rules. Any work that exhibits cheating/plagiarism will result in a zero, parental notification, and disciplinary action may be taken. Work produced by any AI that is not the student's work also classifies as plagiarism.
Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve missed handouts/assignments if an absence occurs. Assignments for the week are posted on the white board and are accessible through the teacher’s webpage. Students have one day for each excused absence to turn in missing work. In the event of an extended absence, personal arrangements will be made. During digital learning, if a student is absent/not present online, I will be contacting home.
Grading Policy:
A (90% and higher) B (80-89%) C (70-79%) D (60-69%) F (50-59%).
Grading Policy:
A (90% and higher) B (80-89%) C (70-79%) D (60-69%) F (50-59%)
Grades are determined by the following categories:
Classwork = 50% of grade
Assessments = 30 % of grade
Class Participation = 20% of grade
*Participation includes (but is not limited to): Reading logs, Kahoot/other in class review items, answering questions or participation in class discussion, homework assignments, bell work, note-taking, etc.
Homework assignments must be completed and ready to turn in the day it is due to receive full credit. Homework is often to complete an in-class assignment. The assignment will typically be graded as classwork.
-Any work that is turned in late will be given partial credit.
-Work that has been copied from another student or copied from an online source will not receive credit.Make-up Work Criteria:
Assessments: by appt. with teacher, one retake opportunity for failing grades
Classwork: make-ups only in the case of absences, one day absence= one day to make up work
Late Work: Is accepted for partial credit.
*Late work WILL NOT be accepted after the 6 week grading period.
Classroom Management: Students are expected to follow Lathrop’s motto: Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Classroom expectations also include the following:
- Be an active listener : Listen to others and listen to directions the first time they're given.
- Be preparedL On time and ready to learn
- Raise your hand to speak
- Have a book every single day (chapter book or novel)
- Keep your chromebook charged
- Be nice!
- THINK before you speak! (Is it thoughtful and true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, kind?)
- Have a positive attitude! *If someone can't make a change in 30 seconds, it may not be a kind thing to be saying*
If students are not adhering to school-wide and classroom expectations, the following consequences may occur:
- Teacher speaks with student (verbal warning)
- Teacher will contact home
- Request for parent conference/possible suspension from class
- Admin. referral
Helpful Hints for a Successful Year:
Write down/record all assignments to be completed at home.
Complete assignments promptly and place them in your work folder.
Save and organize all papers until the end of each marking period or as otherwise instructed.
Submit QUALITY work.
Read for a minimum of 20 minutes every night.
Come to class on time and prepared to work.
Keep absences to a minimum.
Be accountable for your own work, speech, and actions.
Have a positive attitude and ask for help if you are struggling with an assignment