• Ian Lutack

    Ian Lutack

    Department: Math

    Email: ian.lutack@sausd.us

    Phone: (714) 241-6410 ext: 68208


    Canvas Website

     CPM Website

    Class Schedule



    Room Number


    No Class

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links


    AP Statistics  

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links


    Intro to Data Science

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links


    AP PreCalculus

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links


    Math Support 

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links


    Intro to Data Science

    208/Check Aeries for meeting links

    Quick Facts

    Where am I from?

    Vista, Ca (near San Diego)

    Where did I go to school?

    Beaumont Elementary School

    Lincoln Middle School

    Rancho Buena Vista HS

    HS Diploma

    University of California, Irvine

    Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics, Minor in Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Teaching Credential

    What do I teach?

    AP Statistics

    In AP Statistics students will learn how to properly collect and analyze data in order to make sense of the world around them and make informed decisions.  As with all AP courses, this class is rigorous and challenging, but rewarding due to how useful and applicable it is in the real world.

    AP PreCalculus

    In Math Analysis, students learn everything they need to know to be prepared to take Calculus.  They dive deep into many different families of functions, some old and some new.  They will learn more about trigonometric functions and their graphs. Finally, they will begin exploring the basics of Calculus topics. As with all AP courses, this class is rigorous and challenging, and will help prepare students for STEM majors in college. 


    Intro to Data Science

    As in AP Statistics, students will learn how to properly collect and analyze data in order to make sense of the world around them and make informed decisions. This course will take a more practical approach that will help students see how statistics is used everyday. This course will also provide some basics in computer coding. 

    What else am I involved in?

    Academic Decathlon Coach

    Quiz Bowl Coach

    What are my interests outside of school?

    I love video games.  I currently play on my PC and my Nintendo Switch.  I have been playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Final Fantasy XIV, and Destiny 2. 


    I love movies.  My all time favorite movie is "The Matrix."  Ask me anything about any movie and I will probably know the answer. 


    I love reading.  I always listen to audio books while I drive and I have really enjoyed them.  Sometimes I think I'd like to be an audio book reader because it seems fun to do all the voices.


    I often go to trivia competitions and love competing in them.  I enjoy being tested in random knowledge.  I guess that's why I am the Quiz Bowl coach!


    I also love outdoor activities as well.  I like hiking, mountain biking, camping, water sports, and basketball (although I haven't played in a while).