AP Environmental Science – Ms. Morgan
Classroom Policies and Expectations
2024 – 2025
Course Description:
Welcome to AP Environmental Science! In this class, you will learn all about the various scientific concepts, principles, and methodologies of environmental science, the study of the natural world. This is a year-long class that will fulfill one-semester of an introductory college level environmental science or laboratory science course. An AP exam will be given at the end of the second semester. All students are expected to take the exam. We will be investigating a variety of topics from water pollution, air toxicity, soil and agriculture, global climate change, and energy resources. And, we will perform many laboratory experiments to help master these topics and develop scientific practices.
Course Objectives
- To provide you with scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world
- To identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and man-made
- To evaluate risks associated with these problems
- And, to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.
- Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 14th edition, Cunningham and Cunningham
Required Materials: Bring all materials to class every day. Do not throw anything away!
- 3 Ring Binder
- Lab Safety Contract and Expectations
- Lined Paper
- Scientific, non-graphing calculator – example TI-30X
- Writing utensils including: a pen, a pencil, and a red pen for correcting
- Three different color highlighters (we have class sets)
- Current note packet
- Charged Chromebook
Grade Assessment: The grading system is weighted, which means certain categories of work weigh more heavily towards your grade.
- Tests/Quizzes: 35%
- Homework/Classwork: 10%
- Labs/Projects: 30 %
- Final 25%
Grade Ranges:
- 90.0-100 % = A
- 80.0-89.9 % = B
- 70.0-79.9 % = C
- 60.0-69.9 % = D
- 59.9% or below = F
All tests in this class will be timed. This is to prepare you for the AP exam. Tests will be multiple choice and free response. There will be a practice exam in April to help make sure you are ready for the exam.
Classroom Policies:
- RESPECT is the rule, yet it includes many parts, but the main thing to remember is that you will be treated as an adult, therefore:
- Be in your seat when the bell rings – start the warm-up (Tardy policy will be followed).
- Hats, hoods, sunglasses, headphones, earbuds, etc. are never worn in class.
- Absolutely NO GUM, FOOD or DRINKS in class or lab – only water in bottles. The laboratory has its own set of very serious rules which we will cover.
- Turn electronic devices off at the beginning of each period. I will let you know when appropriate times are to use the device for research.
- Bathroom breaks will be permitted. However, ask to go during appropriate times, such as during break or when you are done with your activity. Inappropriate times would be during lecture or lab instruction. Please communicate medical issues.
- Try to attend as many classes as possible. The more you attend and participate, the more you will succeed.
- Practice academic honesty! Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. All work must be original and properly cited. Failure to adhere to academic integrity policies will be reported to administration as well as receiving a zero on the assignment. Parent conferences will also be held and letters of recommendation withheld.
- LATE WORK is not accepted in this AP Environmental Science course
- Follow T.R.A.C.K. policies and matrices as set forth by the PBIS committee
- Especially the Tardy Policy
- 3rd tardy consequence = 30 minute detention (not during lunch)
- 4th tardy consequence = 60 minute detention with possible essay
- 5th tardy consequence = Referral
- Policy resets at the end of the semester
Absences and Make-up Work
i) If you miss a class, the assignment that was due on the day you were absent is due within two days following the day you return for an excused absence only.
ii) I encourage you to be responsible. Complete missing work from days not attended (from an excused absence only). The number of days of the absence determines how many days you have to make up the work. (Ex: 1 day absent = 2 day to complete work).
iii) Absent work is available on Google Classroom and/or the yellow absent bin. Please ask if you cannot find something.
iv) If you are absent for an assessment, you are required to take it as soon as possible. Communication with the teacher is required.
AP Environmental Science Practices
The AP Environmental Science practices describe what a student should be able to do while exploring course concepts.
- Concept Explanation: Explain environmental concepts, processes, and models presented in written format.
- Visual Representation: Analyze visual representations of environmental concepts and processes.
- Text Analysis: Analyze sources of information about environmental issues.
- Scientific Experiments: Analyze research studies that test environmental principles.
- Data Analysis: Analyze and interpret quantitative data represented in tables, charts, and graphs.
- Mathematical Routines: Apply quantitative methods to address environmental concepts.
- Environmental Solutions: Propose and justify solutions to environmental problems.
AP Environmental Science Big Ideas
The big ideas serve as the foundation of the AP Environmental Science course and allow students to create meaningful connections among concepts.
Big Idea 1: Energy Transfer: Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere. As energy flows through systems, at each step, more of it becomes unusable.
Big Idea 2: Interactions between Earth Systems: The Earth is one interconnected system. Natural systems change over time and space. Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances.
Big Idea 3: Interactions Between Different Species and the Environments: Humans alter natural systems and have had an impact on the environment for millions of years. Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and scale of their impact on the environment.
Big Idea 4: Sustainability: Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. A suitable combination of conservation and development is required. The management of resources is essential. Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions
AP Exam and Mock Exam
The AP Exam will be on Tuesday, May 13th, 2025 from 12 pm – 4 pm. The AP Exam will be composed of 80 multiple choice questions (90 minutes, 60% of score) and 3 Free Response Questions (70 minutes, 40% of score).
Teacher Contact Information