• Honors Chemistry

    Class Expectations

    I. Description:

    This course is intended to be a college preparatory, laboratory science course. It will provide credit towards the science graduation requirement as a physical science.

    II. Materials:


    Prentice Hall Chemistry, by Wilbraham. The books are an essential part of this class. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BOOK!

    Other materials

    Students will come to class prepared DAILY with the following items:

        • Chromebook
        • Writing utensils: pencil, red pen, and black/blue pen
        • Composition Books (College rule; 100 sheets)
        • Current homework packet/syllabus
        • Scientific, non-graphing, calculator (example TI-30X)
        • Highlighter (optional but really helpful!)

    III. Grading:

    All assignments will be assigned a point value. You should be monitoring your grades in Aeries all year round. Grades are weighted according to the following:

      • Test/Quizzes = 35%
      • Homework/Classwork = 10%
      • Labs/Projects = 30%
      • Final = 25%

    The grading scale is as follows:

                100 – 90%       A

                89 – 80%         B

                79 – 70%         C

                69 – 60%         D

                59 – 0%         F

    IV. Class Rules:

    • RESPECT is the rule!
    • Students are expected to be polite and behave well. You will be treated as an adult as long as you act like one. Be respectful, polite, and courteous to me and to each other.
    • Profanity is not acceptable!
    • Personal grooming is not to be done during class time.
    • Students are expected to be in their seats before the bell rings.
    • No food, drink, or gum in class or lab areas
    • Excessive tardiness will result in detention, parent contact, and referrals
    • Electronic devices are not to be used during class unless you have permission, or I have said it is ok for the activity.

    V. Homework:

    Homework is for review and practice. If you do not put in the work, you will not pass. Practice is essential to understanding the content.

    If you are absent, you are still responsible for making up the work you missed. You will have two days to complete your homework after the day you return to class. Only if you have an excused absence.

    Missing Assignments

    It is your job to make up missing assignments. If that is a test, you are responsible for scheduling a make-up with me within one week of your return to class.

    Make-up work/tests are only possible if your absence is EXCUSED!

    VI. Labs:

    • Lab safety is our number 1 priority!
    • Students will perform safe lab techniques while in the lab area.
    • All students must sign the safety contract before participating in any labs. I will remove anyone in the lab who is unsafe and they will receive a zero on the assignment. The student may also be removed from all further labs.
    • Students are required to wear proper lab attire at all times, as well as to maintain a safe environment.
    • Most labs cannot be made up if you are absent due to scheduling, so try not to miss them!
    • Labs are an essential part of this class and will be written in the student’s own lab notebook just like real scientists.

    VII. Academic Honesty:

    Practice academic honesty! Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. All work must be original and properly cited. Failure to adhere to academic integrity policies will be reported to administration as well as receiving a zero on the assignment.

    VIII. Progressive Discipline Plan:

    Behavior should never be an issue. We are all here to learn and we will all respect each other. Students who do not follow the rules will be subject to the following action(s):

      • 1st minor offense: warning
      • 2nd minor offense: Parent phone call/conference
      • 3rd offense: referral to administration


    These expectations are subject to change and we all need to be flexible.