School-wide expectations: TRACK:
Teamwork: We are Communicators. We are Balanced.
Responsibility: We are Principled. We are Reflective.
Achievement: We are Risk-Takers. We are Thinkers.
Community: We are Caring. We are Open-Minded.
Knowledge: We are Knowledgeable. We are Inquirers.
Knowledge: Follow the phone policy. Use it for instruction when required. Otherwise, the phone is to be pocketed or put aside (in a designated location specified by the teacher). Violations of phone use: loss of points, phone placed in the designated place, detention, call/ParentSquare, a message to a family member, sent to administration for further consequences.
Community: have materials needed for class: Chromebook, textbooks, notebooks, and pens, including access to such digital materials; Impact Textbook (MCGraw-Hill APP) Textbook, online Impact textbook, and Google Classroom as needed.
Responsibility: responsible for calendaring, assignments, and projects.
Responsibility: responsible for deadlines for grading assignments and projects and, as needed, ask for extensions when required.
Community: Use school-appropriate language. Working together in small groups
Achievement: adhere to honesty and integrity standards. Essays will be screened for plagiarism.
Students need to log in with a Sausdlearns.net account.
Teamwork: work together on all aspects of things, from classwork and working sportsmanship to the following requirements in the school handbook. Attendance policies will be adhered to, as school district policies will still be followed. Students who miss frequent classes will lose grades, and parents will be contacted. Administration support and consequences will follow as needed.
For the campus daily schedule, see the Saddleback website
My weekly schedule:
Period 1 Sped World History
Period 2 Sped World History
Period 3 Prep
Period 4 Lunch
Period 5 Sped English 11
Period 6 Collab Class
Period 7 Testing period
Additional Tutorial session: offered by appointment in the morning or after school M, T, Th 3:30-4:30 pm.
I have periods 3rd and 7th for testing, meeting students, and prep periods. I schedule parent and IEP meetings for these periods.
Please contact me using my email, Julie.Momberg@sausdlearns.net , or Parent Square, or call the office to leave me a message.
Our goal is to have students perform to the best of their ability. Please encourage students to turn in their assignments even when they are struggling. Assignments will receive some grade. Most work can be made up as long as the student is making an effort and is attending class.
Aeries Portal is available to check assignments and grades.