Class Syllabi
The District pacing guide serves as the syllabus for each class.
Welcome to U.S Government... A study on the function,form, and process of the United States System of Governmenthttps://www.sausd.us/cms/lib/CA01000471/Centricity/Domain/108/12th%20Grade%20Government%20Curriculum%20Map.pdf
Points will be earned from a combination of both FORMATIVE (progressive) and SUMMATIVE (tested) assessments.You may email or ask me if you are unsure about the assignments and due dates.(Or if absent)
There will be a quiz after each section.If you are absent for an assignment, it will be your responsibility to find what work needs to be completed.Late work will only be accepted if notified in advance, or for an acceptable reason... It is up to you to notify me..
There is a digital version of your book (Electronic book)
Last Modified on August 23, 2024