• Santiago School

    Physical Education

    Distance Learning Syllabus

    Mr. Tenchka


    Dear Parents and Students.

    *This syllabus is only valid during distance learning mode.  A new syllabus will be issued when we progress to a different learning mode.

    Welcome to Mr. Tenchka’s physical education class. Your enthusiastic participation in this class will help insure a rewarding and worthwhile experience.  Santiago School believes that physical education is an essential part of a child’s education.  Physical fitness promotes improved academic performance, the development of social skills and daily habits that will lead to a healthy life.  My program philosophy emphasizes physical fitness, the enjoyment of physical activity and the acquisition of basic sport skills.


    Activity Schedule

    Students will participate in various activities throughout the year.  Some of the units that we will learn are Volleyball, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Badminton, Ultimate, Hockey and Leisure Games.


    Student Weekly Schedule

    Monday and Tuesday – Attendance, school Information, Activity Lesson, Writing Prompt, Warm-up and Fitness Workout.  Daily Summary.

    Wednesday – Attendance, Social Emotional Health Lesson, Writing Prompt

    Thursday and Friday -  Attendance, school Information, Health Lesson, Writing Prompt, Warm-up and Fitness Workout.  Daily Summary.


    Class Expectations

    Students must report to the meeting room by the start of the period.  Students must be dressed for physical activity.  Students are to participate to the best of their abilities. Students must keep their cameras open during the class session, but please mute the audio.  Questions will be asked through the chat box.  Students should not be on their cell phone during class session.  No eating during class.  Students may drink water as needed during the workout segment of class.

    If you cannot participate due to injury or illness, please have a parent or guardian email me prior to class.  Students should if they are able to still attend the session to do the non- physical portion of class.

    Students must remain in the class session for the entire 80 minutes.  Leaving the session without permission will result in a loss of participation points.

    Sportsmanship and being courteous will be stressed during all activities.  The goal is to learn, be active and have FUN

    Grading will be based on the following weighted categories

    Attendance/ Participation  30 %

    Assignments  30 %

    Discussion Question 15 %

    Quiz  15 %

    Projects 10 %

    I have read the above class expectations and rules.   I agree to do my best