Information for Parents - Informacion para los Padres
Dear Villa Parent,
Welcome to the counselors page! Here we will be posting links and resources that can be helpful for you and your family. Some of the links below can come in handy during our time away from school due to COVID-19.
Estimados padres de Villa,
Bienvenido a la pagina de consejeros. Aqui publicaremos enlaces y recursos que pueden ser utiles para usted y su familia. Algunos de los enlaces pueden ser utiles durante nuestro tiempo fuera de las escuale debido a COVID-19.
CDC Mental Health Resources
The CDC provides resources and information
on managing Stress & CopingEngage 360 Program After-School
For further questions, please reach out to Mario Martinez, VFI Site-Coordinator (657) 383-3367
Family and Community Engagement Resource Line: (714) 558-5677
Students can still learn while they are safe at home. Through Distance Learning, many teachers are using Google Classrooms. Please view the video below to learn how to log on to Google Classroom.
Los estudiantes todavia pueden aprender mientras estan seguros en casa. A traves del aprendizaje a distancia, muchos maestros estan usando Google Classrooms. Vean el vide a continuacion para aprender como iniciar sesiones en Google Classroom.
Villa Fundamental School Community Resources
Coping Strategies and Ideas for Students - Spanish.pdf
Coping Strategies and Ideas for Students.pdf
Health Care for All - Health Care for Undocumented Children.pdf
Helping-children-cope-with-stress-print - COVID-19.pdf
Updated Mental Health Resources 3.18.20.pdf
Links from the district / enlaces del distrito
CA01000471/Centricity/Domain/ 12/homework_and_learning_ resources_for_Parents-revised. pdf