• Santiago Elementary School (K-8)

    MATH 6, MATH 8, MATH 8H

    Mr. Erhuy



    Welcome! This year we will focus on the following: the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, statistics and probability, and functions.



    I recommend a 70-page college-ruled spiral notebook for notes and writing assignments, a protractor, a compass, pencils, pens, scissors, and quarter-inch graph paper.


    Grading structure

    30% Assessments

    25% Classwork

    25% Homework

    20% Participation


    A: 90-100%

    B: 80-89%

    C: 70-79%

    D: 60-69%

    F: 0-59%



    Any assignment under the "Assessments" category may be retaken for full credit. The "Assessments" category includes both quizzes and exams.


    Homework and classwork

    "Homework" and "Classwork" combined account for 50% of your grade. Classwork consists of work completed in class and includes warm-ups and other in-class assignments. Homework will be assigned daily with few exceptions. Don't like your grade on a particular assignment? Try again for full credit!



    The "Participation" category of your grade includes daily homework and any other assignment that must be completed on time. Assignments that are not turned in on time will be reflected as a "0" under the participation category; however, the assignment may still be turned in for credit under the "Homework" or "Classwork" category. Daily notices will be sent home for students who do not complete homework along with other classroom assignments.


    Need help?

    If you need extra help, come on down to room 103 before or after school! Your success depends on your involvement and dedication, and I'm always happy to help!