• Mendez Physical Education Department                


    Progressive Discipline Plan

    NON-SUITS (Discipline Plan)


    1st  non-suit/dress infraction: Warning from Teacher.  Students will be expected to participate in all exercises, running and activity of the day as usual.


    2nd  non-suit/dress infraction: Teacher detention


    3rd  non-suit/dress infraction: Referral to Counselor, assigned Central Detention (15 Minutes) letter or phone call home; Parent contact


    4th non-suit/dress infraction: Referral to VP, central detention (1 Hour), or possible Saturday School.


    BEHAVIOR AND CLASS RULES (Discipline Plan)


    Failure to comply with expected class behavior and rules will result in the following consequences:


    1st time- Warning


    2nd time- (15 minute) Teacher Detention and letter or phone call home.


    3rdtime- 30 minute Detention/Citizenship grade lowered, letter, phone call andor referral


    4thtime- Referral


    Note-If student seriously disturbs the class or brings danger to themselves or another; they will be immediately removed from the situation and will jump directly to step #4.


    Positive Reinforcement: (Depends on Budget Constraints)


     Positive Praise; Mendez Tickets


    Fitness Patches

    Other available options- when appropriate




Last Modified on September 11, 2021