
    Mendez Fundamental Physical Education Program



    Dear Parents:

                       Welcome to Mendez Fundamental Intermediate. This letter contains the essentials to our physical education program. Please feel free to contact us at (714) 972-7800. Physical education staff- Ms. Delgado, Mr. Glenane, Mrs. Laurenzi,  Ms. Madeline, and Mr. Wozniak.


    The Process

    • A six-week grading system was designed to enhance the effectiveness of the program.
    • Teachers select the activity of their choice.
    • All classes are co-educational.  

    Locker Room Procedures

    1. Physical education lockers are issued by the P.E. staff
    2. Students should not share their lock combinations with anyone, except in the extreme case when they must share a locker.
    3. Valuables should always be kept locked inside a locker.  Mendez Fundamental is not responsible for theft of valuables. 
    4. There is a ZERO Tolerance Policy with cell phones visible in the locker room they will be confiscated and referrals issued.
    5. Students also must lock their street clothes and backpacks in a BIG LOCKER during class and remove it at the END of the period; and lock up their PE clothes in their Little Locker assigned to them at the END of the period. (Must wash their clothes regularly)
    6. There is absolutely no horseplay or play fighting allowed at anytime. There is also no food or drinks allowed in the locker room.

    Dress Regulations

    • All students are required to be in Mendez P.E. uniform with tennis shoes and socks on a daily basis (there is absolutely no sharing of P.E. uniforms.)
    • Should a student forget (or not find) their uniform, they are required to participate in there school clothes. Non-suits will result in disciplinary action such as; teacher detention (15-30 minutes), central detention, campus beautification, home phone calls, letter sent home, referral, and or Saturday school.
    • Sweatshirts (school regulations) and sweatpants (black) are allowed for P.E. activity over their P.E. clothes (when appropriate).
    • Absolutely No sweatpants or sweatshirts during hot weather. (Athletic leggings are acceptable under their shorts).
    • No Jewelry allowed during PE Activity time.




    Each student’s academic grade is comprised of three (3) areas:

    • Assessment- California Fitness Test (Fitnessgram)   
    • Performance- Sport Activities, Quizzes, Projects…etc.      
    • Citizenship- Non-suits, tardies, behavior/attitude and effort                


    • Non-suits
    • Behavior
    • Attitude

    Fitness Scores

                       Mendez Fundamental usually has highest Fitness test passing rate in the entire Santa Ana Unified School District.  More information can be found on the California Department of Education (CDE) Website. Fitness Scores are only a snap shot of the entire school. The PFT is giving to all kids in 5th, 7th, and 9th grades.


    Health Accountability

                        It is imperative for your son/daughter to inform their P.E. teacher of any health issues that could help the teacher better service your students. Also it helps the teacher with everyday interaction with your son or daughter.



                       All P.E. students have second nutrition if they have 3rd period P.E., and second lunch if they have 5th or 6th period P.E./ Schedule switches 2nd Semester. (ALL P.E. STUDENTS HAVE 1ST NUTRITION AND 1ST LUNCH)


    Thank you for your continued support!


    The P.E. Staff

Last Modified on July 24, 2024