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    David Avila 

    ELA Department

    Contact information

    Email: david.avila@sausdlearns.net 


    You may also contact me on Parent Square (https://www.parentsquare.com/)


    2024-2025 Academic School Year Information

    Google Classroom is where students can find important materials such as our daily agenda, assignments, and classroom announcements. Access codes will be provided for students on the first day of class. Additionally, students can log into their Aeries portal and find a direct link to my Google Classroom. If you are a parent and would like to monitor your child's activity in Google Classroom, please email me so I can add you to our Google Classroom


    Other Online Resources 

    Sora App for free online books


    Resource for writing



    Class Schedule



    Room Number


    ELA 11 6-10


    ERWC 12 6-10


    ERWC 12 6-10


    ERWC 12 6-10


    Prep Period   



    Varsity Football 

      6-10/Team Room/Weight Room/Field 


    Quick Facts

    Where am I from?

     Born and raised in Santa Ana 

    Where did I go to school?

    John Adams Elementary 

    Carr Intermediate 

    Valley High School Class of 2001

    Cal State University of Fullerton 

    Bachelor's Degree in English and Teaching Credential 

    Arizona State University 

    Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction 

    What do I teach?

    ERWC 12

    Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) prepares college-bound seniors for the literacy demands of higher education. Through a sequence of eight to ten rigorous instructional modules, students on this yearlong, rhetoric-based course develop advanced proficiency in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. Students will be expected to increase their awareness of the rhetorical strategies employed by authors and to apply those strategies to their own writing. They will read closely to examine the relationship between an author’s argument or theme and his or her audience and purpose; to analyze the impact of structural and rhetorical strategies; and to examine the social, political, and philosophical assumptions that underlie the text. By the end of the course, students will be expected to use this process independently when reading unfamiliar texts and writing in response to them. ERWC is designed to fully align with the California Common Core State Standards (CCSS) framework for English Language Arts and the California English Language Development Standards. You can look through those standards by clicking on the link below.

    CCSS for ELA - Content Standards (CA Dept of Education)

    English 11

    The Grade 11 Thematic Units provide students with a survey of American literature and informational texts from early colonial times to the 21st century. In addition, the final unit focuses on the theme of love and features Shakespearean sonnets and drama as well as related literature and informational texts by other writers from different time periods, cultures, and disciplines.  By the end of the course, students will have read a range of literary and nonfiction text genres and produced projects, including academic essays, creative writing, and multimedia presentations/research reports, from initial draft to final revision and editing. English 11 is designed to fully align with the California Common Core State Standards (CCSS) framework for English Language Arts and the California English Language Development Standards. 

    Varsity Football Assistant Coach 


    What else am I involved in?



    What are my interests outside of school?

    • God
    • Family
    • Sports