WELCOME TO SANTIAGO(ELAC) ENGLISH LEARNER ADVISORY COMMITTEEEnglish Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) are the parent advisory councils that assist school administration and staff on instructional decisions that promote student achievement. The councils are made up of equal members of school staff and community who meet on a monthly basis.Role of English Learner Advisory Committee
The English Learners Advisory Committee shall carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to it by policies and guidelines set forth by the California Department of Education. These duties include:
1. Advise on the Comprehensive School Plan programs and services for English Learners.
2. Ensure School Needs Assessment is administered.
3. Ensure administration, review, and provide input of school’s annual language census (R30-LC).
4. Create awareness in the parent community on the importance of regular school attendance.
Last Modified on May 26, 2012