Ms. Matthews 7th Grade ELA Honors



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jacqueline Matthews

Welcome! This is my eighth year working here at Villa! Last year, I was with our 7th graders on the Circulos campus during Villa's construction, and previous to that, I stepped into a new role as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). I am so glad to be back in the classroom with your students this year.

This year, I am serving as co-chair for our English Language Arts Department and the PBIS/COST coordinator for our school.

Feel free to email me at AND/OR, and you are welcome to check out my school Instagram @msmatthews_ela

"Intelligence plus character -- that is the goal of true education." -Martin Luther King Jr.

I am dedicating this year to our friend and colleague who passed in 2024. Tina was a lover of reading and humor. She was hilarious and strong. She reminded me that tomorrow is always a new day and to "stay gold."

Tina, An, and Me
  • Be sure to click through the links below to access our class Instagram and Google Classroom:  Read You can do it!

Villa Bell Schedule 2024-25