Santiago Cell Phone Policy
At Santiago, we understand the sense of security that having a cell phone at school can provide. Therefore, students may have a cell phone in their backpacks and turned off throughout the day.
However, we also believe in the research that shows that cell phones (and other technology) can distract our students from the school environment and make them “less present” with others.
If a student has a matter that requires contacting a parent during the day, they may do so under the supervision and the permission of a staff member using a landline.
Cell phones may be used prior to the first and after the final bell in front of the school. We will continue to share this policy with our students, and we ask that our school community support this policy.
If a student is caught using their cell phone, iPods, or any other device during school hours, the item will be taken and stored safely in the front office.
First offense - Warning, student may pick up in the front office
Second offense - Warning, student may pick up in the front office after school
Third offense - Parents will be required to pick up items in the front office. Students, parents and administrators will develop a plan to support students for future success.