



    Accelerated Reader 

    Click here to take a quiz 


    2nd-5th grade students may take A.R. quizzes

    Monday- Friday during school hours


    Students are encouraged to take AR quizzes independently and at least once a week.

    Select the appropriate T.W.I. option

    T - "Someone read To me"

    W - "Someone read With me"

    I - "I read Independently"


    Please read books on SORA, Tumblebooks, Epic or any books you may have at home or from the Santa Ana Public Library.


    You may check the AR level of any book(s) using ARBookFind https://www.arbookfind.com/


    What is the Accelerated Reader (AR) program?Accelerated Reader is a computer program which allows students to take quizzes on books they have read. Students receive instant feedback in the form of a percentage correct score.


    Why should my child participate?Studies show that the best way to increase reading ability, fluency, and comprehension is by practicing the act of reading itself. Improvement is most noticeable when practice is within the child's reading level zone.


    What is my child's "reading zone"?The "Zone of Proximal Development" (ZPD) refers to the ideal reading level range within which your child should select books. It provides just the right balance of challenge and ease of reading independence.


    How is my child's reading level determined?Your child will take the Standard Test of Achievement in Reading (STAR), which determines a grade level equivalent. For example, a level of 2.6 means that on this test, your child read and answered questions at the level of an average student in the sixth month of second grade.


    How can I determine if a book falls within my child's Reading Zone?  
    Most of the books from our school library are marked with the reading level and point value on the book spine. You may also visit the AR Book find site to search for any book level online, click here to search for AR titles. By searching the offerings of AR Book Find, you will be able to check the reading level of many books you may have in your home.


    How does the point system work?Points are assigned to each AR book based on its length and level of difficulty. Students earn points based on their percentage correct on each quiz. Some teachers may assign point goals for students. However, most teachers focus on passing at 80% or above. 


    Why would my child fail an AR quiz?Perhaps s/he read the book too quickly, or was not concentrating while reading. Maybe the book was near the high end of his/her reading zone. If the book was a lengthy one, and s/he took a long time to finish the reading, details of the book may have been forgotten. You can help by encouraging your child to try another book.


    I know my child can read more difficult books than this. Can s/he take quizzes on books above her zone?  AR quizzes are designed to test students on details found in the book. When a student is reading a book with a level that is above his or her ability level, s/he may be concentrating more on decoding harder words and sentences, and may lose the underlying meaning of the text. At Santiago students are encouraged to take tests within their ZPD for better results and reading growth.


    Can my child take tests on books that are below his or her reading zone?
    We all love to read books that are at our interest level. Some of these books are easy for us to read, and that is ok. To grow as a reader, however, children should challenge themselves with books that contain more difficult text. Students are allowed to take tests that are below their reading level, but we should be a bit concerned if a child is reading a great number of "easy" books, simply to accumulate AR points. That would defeat the purpose of AR, which is to motivate kids to grow as readers. If a student is falling into this pattern, a teacher will most likely counsel him/her regarding book choices.


    Are there AR quizzes for picture books?
    There are quizzes for many picture books, many with reading levels as high as fifth or sixth grade.


    What can I do to help with Accelerated Reader Encourage reading at home everyday!



Last Modified on Thursday at 3:35 PM