• Welcome parents and families to the 2020 - 2021 school year!


    All assignments, and items related to assignments will be posted on my Google Classroom "Mrs. Littlefield 's Kindergarten Class 2020 - 2021" for this year's group of students and families!  This website that you are in now will be used to post items that are useful information you can use all year.  I will also be posting useful information that you can refer to all year within Google Classroom as well, so you may find that you do not need to visit this website often.  However, I will be adding items throughout the school year on this website for you to use as references to help you and your child to have a positive and productive year.  I will make notes and references to Mrs. Littlefield's Santiago Class Website in different communications throughout the school year.  That phrase refers to this website.  When parents are reading items I post within my Google Classroom, "Mrs. Littlefield's Kindergarten Class of 2020 - 2021" (accessible only with a class code and meant only for the students and families of this year's class), I may reference that I have also posted this same item on my Santiago Class Website.  Hopefully, I have made the distinction clear between the two places you can access information from for the school year and the purposes for both. 

    Students and families from this year's group, please visit my Google Classroom for daily assignments, weekly assignments, and other pertinent information!  Looking forward to our school year together, starting off with our Virtual Learning model!!


    Mrs. Littlefield

Last Modified on October 5, 2022