Biology/Science 8/Biology Class Syllabus
Saddleback High School
Teacher: Mr. Perez
Room: 401
Email: Randall.perez@sausdlearns.net
Phone: (714) 569-6300 EXT 63469
Dear Parent/Guardian,
My name is Mr. Perez and I will be teaching your student’s science course for the upcoming year. In order to facilitate this transition, I have provided the following information for you and your student. Please read through the information and fill out the form on the back and have your student return it to me for compliance and grading.
Class Descriptions:
Biology is the science that studies living things. This laboratory-based course focuses on the process of scientific investigation through the study of living things. Eight-grade physical science studies is the movement/chemical process and explains these phenomena’s by understanding how they work.
Students in this college prep course are expected to commit themselves to learning and focus on the tasks at hand. Students must recognize the importance of dedication, self-discipline, and hard work, and show these traits in all course endeavors – both in class and at home.
- Come to class ON TIME!
- When the tardy bell rings, be in your seat, quiet and ready to work.
- There is NO food allowed in class. (water is okay)
- Come prepared with a pencil or pen, paper and a CHARGED Chromebook.
- KEEP ALL CELL PHONES/electronic devices put away, unless specified.
- Take care of bathroom needs between classes
- Follow the teacher’s directions at all times.
- Be respectful to everybody
Classroom Rules (the 5 P’s)
1. Be Prompt – Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings. Meet deadlines.
2. Be Prepared – Bring necessary materials, including homework. Study for tests.
3. Be Polite – Respect school property and those around you.
4. Be Productive – Participate arduously in all class activities. Follow the instructions. Use your time and energy wisely. Finish all the work. Everything has its time!
5. Be Positive – My expectations for you are to: set high academic and personal goals, be a problem solver, help others, and ask for help when necessary.
Required Materials:
1. Compositions and or notebooks are brought to school every day.
2. Pencils, erasers, and pens. You may also want to invest in colored pencils or multicolored pens, though not required.
3. Notebook paper or plain paper are needed for illustrations.
Retake policy:
Quizzes/tests are only allowed to be retaken at the discretion of the teacher and only in cases where the absence is EXCUSED (No exceptions). Thus, assignments can be retaken in the time frame when a student was gone.
Homework Policy:
Success in class is directly impacted by a student’s dedication to completing all assigned work on time, of which homework is certainly an important component. Late work is accepted only in the time frame for that particular unit is being studied. Any time after that, it will earn only 50% credit.
Class Website:
The class website will contain the class syllabus as well as class notes and homework, so there is no excuse for not having work finished in the case of an absence. The website will be constantly updated as a major resource for students. This can be used in conjunction with Aries in order to keep track of assignments.
Laboratory Work:
Labs will sometimes be done in groups. However, each student will turn in his/her own lab report. A complete description of how to complete lab reports will be issued to you. In order to receive full credit for the lab, the student must be in the class for the lab and have performed the procedure.
Your grade can be accessed at the Aries website. Students are encouraged and advised to keep their scored work with them and check frequently for their updated grade online. Do not throw away your work until credit for it has been checked online. Should a graded piece of homework be in question, credit can only be awarded when work is shown to me; otherwise the missing grade will remain.
Summative Assessments:
Tests/Quizzes – 30%
Labs/Projects – 20%
Final/District tests – 20%
Classwork/Homework – 20%
Please return this copy and return a signed copy.
I acknowledge that I have read & reviewed the class syllabus with my parent/guardian.
(Student, Sign and Print Name) Date: Period
I acknowledge that I have read & reviewed the class syllabus with my student.
(Parent/ Guardian Sign and Print Name) Date:
In order to maintain contact with the parents/guardians of the students, please list your
telephone number & email address below. Please note take which method of contact is
Parent /Guardian Phone (Daytime):_____________________________
Parent /Guardian Phone (Evening): _____________________________
Parent /Guardian Email Address: ___________________________________
Best time to contact __________________________ (Morning/Afternoon/ Evening) (circle one)