





    Let's be Ready, Responsible and Respectful wherever we are! We are second graders, and we can do hard things!




     the link to the field trip to the marine lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkQDnaCjV80&feature=youtu.be



    I have kept this list down here just as a reminder of other things that the students can do.

    Book work or paperwork:

    1. Work in the pink Irvine Math Project books
    2. Work in the Smarter Balanced Assessment books
    3. Read books that were brought home in their back packs.
    4. Adjectives worksheet.
    5. Draw on Art Hub. Be sure to include these drawing in your journal.
    6. District made packet



    Science and Social Studies:

    1. Netflix: Magic School Bus


    Computer work:

    You will be able to get the links for this work through the Santiago website.

    1. ST Math / Jiji

    2. Lexia (my email for this site is aaron.gonzales@sausdlearns.net)

    3. Epic

    4. Khan Academy

    5. Splash Math

    6. Any other links through the school website

    If you have questions for me, feel free to contact me.