Greenville's Policies
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DISCIPLINE PLAN - CLASSROOMAlthough rules may vary slightly in each classroom, the following are a basic list of behaviors the students are expected to follow:
- Enter the classroom in a quiet, orderly manner
- Listen well and follow instructions
- Work quietly and maintain a neat, orderly classroom
- Respect others in words and actions
- Respect school and personal property
- Obtain permission before speaking
- Use restroom only during recess or lunch playtime except in emergency or medical circumstances.
Note: Severe disruptions such as insubordination, the threat or causing of bodily harm to students or school personnel, use of obscene language, or causing damage to school or personal property will require IMMEDIATE referral to the office.
Positive Consequences for Appropriate Behavior:
The list below are ways in which a teacher may reward students for displaying appropriate behavior.
- Verbal praise
- Notes to parents or student
- Trip to the office for a reward
- Classroom privileges
- Awards
- Rewards
- Special certificates
- Stamps and stickers
Hierarchy of Negative Consequences
The following will occur if a student chooses not to follow the classroom rules.
1st consequence Warning 2nd consequence Loss of recess 3rd consequence Lunch detention. Parent may be contacted. 4th consequence Referral to the office. Phone call to parents.
Last Modified on September 7, 2018