The following is the Discipline and Probation Policy for Greenville Fundamental School.  Remember that many interventions and contacts will be in place prior to these final stages so that the school and home can work together to remedy any problems. 


    I.                Excused Absences (i.e. illness or bereavement)


    A.   A Letter of Probation may be given after 14 absences and student will be required to bring in doctor's note for each future excused absence.  School may also consider sending District attendance clerk for a home visit.


    B.    Each student may be absent for one religious holiday per year.  Although the state requires the school to mark this type of absence as unexcused, we will not penalize student's Perfect Attendance at Greenville for the trimester or yearly award.


    C.    Accommodation will be made for students who have an extended absence due to illness such as chicken pox, mumps, or more serious diseases.


    II.            Unexcused Absences (i.e. family vacations)


    A.   Students cannot miss more than 5 days in a school year of unexcused absences without special permission from the principal.


    B.    If a student has more than 5 days of unexcused absences in a school year without special permission from the principal, he/she may be asked to return to their neighborhood school.


    C.    Accommodations will be made for verified family emergencies.


    III.       Partial Absences


    A.   Although a student is considered present in school by the State if they attend any portion of a school day, students must attend at least 1/2 of the school day to be given Perfect Attendance status for Greenville attendance awards.(This means attending: 100 minutes or more for Kindergarten and 150 or more minutes for Grades 1-5)


    IV.           Tardies


    A.   A Letter of Probation will be given to a student after the 8th tardy.

    B.    Ten tardies or more is considered extremely excessive and any student who has 10 or more tardies will be recommended for fundamental transfer to return to their neighborhood school.






    V.               Late or Incomplete Homework Assignments


    A.   Student will receive an "N" on their report card for 6 missing, late, or incomplete homework assignments in any given trimester.


    B.    A Letter of Probation will be given to a student after having 8 missing, late, or incomplete homework assignments.


    C.    Consequences for missing/late/incomplete homework:

         9  missing = 3 days detention

    10 missing = 5 days of detention

        11 missing = 5 days of detention missing recess all day.

       after 12 missing, last or incomplete homework in current school year = Student will be              recommended for fundamental transfer to return to neighborhood school in

        the current school year.




    VI.           Misbehavior in Classroom or on Playground


    A.   A Letter of Probation will be given to a student after he/she has committed the third suspendable act.


    B.    Student will be recommended for fundamental transfer to return to his/her neighborhood school when he/she has committed the fifth suspendable act.


    C.    Consideration will be made for Special Needs students as appropriate according to their IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan.

Last Modified on September 7, 2018