Mrs. Longacre's Homepage
2024-2025Grade K-2 (Mild-Moderate) RSPContact Information:
(714) 406 - 0191
Google Classroom:
Click on the link below.
Kindergarten/1st Grade Google Classroom
Enrichment activities are being added daily on Google Classroom. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or require assistance.
This is a great resource for students to use as an online guided reading program. There are interactive books, downloadable books, and reading quizzes. Each student has his/her own login information.
Student Login Steps:
Step 1: Go to www.raz-kids.com
Step 2: Enter/choose the teacher's username, longacre4
Step 3: Your child finds his or her name on the class chart
Step 4: Your child enters his/her password (lunch number)
SplashLearn (previously known as SplashMath) is an amazing math resource that is interactive, engaging, and educational for all levels. Each student has his/her own login information.
Student Login Steps:
Step 1: Go to www.splashlearn.com
Step 2: Click Login
Step 3: Enter class code NAVCDY
Step 4: Your child finds students name/avatar
Step 5: Your child enters his/her password (lunch number)