Mrs. Longacre's Homepage

    Grade K-2 (Mild-Moderate) RSP  

    Contact Information: 





    (714) 406 - 0191



    Google Classroom: 

    Click on the link below. 

    Kindergarten/1st Grade Google Classroom  

    2nd Grade Google Classroom 

    3rd Grade Google Classroom 

    Enrichment activities are being added daily on Google Classroom. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or require assistance. 



    This is a great resource for students to use as an online guided reading program. There are interactive books, downloadable books, and reading quizzes. Each student has his/her own login information.


    Student Login Steps:

    Step 1: Go to www.raz-kids.com

    Step 2: Enter/choose the teacher's username, longacre4

    Step 3: Your child finds his or her name on the class chart

    Step 4: Your child enters his/her password (lunch number)



    SplashLearn (previously known as SplashMath) is an amazing math resource that is interactive, engaging, and educational for all levels. Each student has his/her own login information.


    Student Login Steps:

    Step 1: Go to www.splashlearn.com

    Step 2: Click Login

    Step 3: Enter class code NAVCDY

    Step 4: Your child finds students name/avatar

    Step 5: Your child enters his/her password (lunch number) 

                                             Special Ed