Contact Information:
Karen Tadros, Special Education Teacher
Phone: (714) 805-7543
Google Classroom Chat: karen.tadros@sausdlearns.net
Facetime: kloutad@hotmail.comEmail: karen.tadros@sausd.us or karen.tadros@sausdlearns.net
Carla Ramirez, Instructional Assistant
Phone: (657) 205-9903
Google Classroom Chat: carla.ramirez@sausdlearns.net
Facetime: mcdm4@sbcglobal.netEmail: carla.ramirez@sausd.us or carla.ramirez@sausdlearns.netDuring this time of the "Stay Put" order Santiago has moved to an online digital classroom format. Click on the Distance Learning link below for information about my Google Classroom.
Moby Max
Below is the link to my student's Moby Max accounts. Moby Max is a math program that works to improve student's math skills.
Moby Max School Code: ca8122
Read Naturally
This is the link to our online reading program. Please remember to practice Read Naturally to keep up your reading level. Below are links for your parents to learn how to cold time and pass you onto the next level. The login needed to pass you is:
login: Home
password: home1234
Also, you can read/pass with Carla or me remotely. We can set up a time and you can read to us!