• Contact Information:

    Karen Tadros, Special Education Teacher
    Phone: (714) 805-7543‬
    Google Classroom Chat:  karen.tadros@sausdlearns.net
    Facetime: kloutad@hotmail.com
    Email:  karen.tadros@sausd.us or karen.tadros@sausdlearns.net

    Carla Ramirez, Instructional Assistant
    Phone: (657) 205-9903
    Google Classroom Chat:  carla.ramirez@sausdlearns.net
    Facetime: mcdm4@sbcglobal.net
    Email:  carla.ramirez@sausd.us or carla.ramirez@sausdlearns.net 
    During this time of the "Stay Put" order Santiago has moved to an online digital classroom format.  Click on the Distance Learning link below for information about my Google Classroom.