    Parent Resources

    The AERIES Parent Portal allows parents and students to find up-to-date information about grades and attendance online. If you don't have internet access at home, we have a computer set up in the conference room in the Front Office for you to use.

    To use the Aeries Portal, you need to set up an account. Please call 714-558-5100

    Here is a video explaining how to set up your account.

     NOTE: If you do not have your child's verification code, please contact the front office at 714-558-5100

     Click Aeries to sign in IF you already have an account.

    Take a video tour of Aeries in English

    Take a video tour of Aeries in Spanish


    Welcome Villa Eagles!

    It is extremely important that every student is in class on time, every day, ready to learn!  Regular attendance is vital to the academic success of your student; in order to learn a student must be in class.

    Education Code specifies excused absences as those resulting from illness, medical/dental appointments, or death in the immediate family.  All other absences are considered unexcused and will result in a Saturday School to make up for missed instructional time.

    ABSENCES - A parent/legal guardian is required to report an absence on the same day a student is not at school.  Absences may be reported to the Attendance Office using one of the following methods:

    1. Call the attendance absence line and leave a message at (714) 558-5120.

    (Be sure to leave a clear message with the student’s full name, date of absence, ID # or date of birth, grade, the name and relationship of the person who is reporting the absence and a phone number where the person can be contacted.)

          2. Send a handwritten note with the student’s full name, ID # or date of birth, date of absence and a signature, from a parent/guardian with the

              student to school the first day the student returns to school. If the student is absent due to a medical appointment please provide a doctor’s                note when the student returns to school. All notes must be provided to the Attendance Office.


    (Please send a note the first day the student returns to school.  The student needs to turn in the note to the Attendance Office before school starts).

    If a student is absent 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor’s note excusing the absence is required. Without a note from the doctor the attendance will be recorded as UNEXCUSED ABSENCES. Any absence that is not cleared by a parent/legal guardian within 3 days from the date of absence will result in an after-school detention being assigned to the student.

    Absences must be reported by a parent/legal guardian to the Attendance Office each day a student is not on campus. Doing so assists the school in accurately identifying which students are on campus during each school day.


    When a student is tardy to class, a note is required.  Please remember a tardy is a tardy, a note  does not excuse the tardy.


    When a student is tardy (30 minutes or more), they are considered to be tardy truant.  Students that are tardy truant must report to the attendance office.   


    In order to qualify for yearly perfect attendance, a student must be in class for every minute of instruction every day of the school year.  Saturday School is used to make up instructional time, it will not qualify a student for perfect attendance.


    Students must maintain regular attendance and attend class on time.  Repeated absences and tardiness will initiate an attendance letter, home visit, disciplinary action, and/or a transfer to the child’s neighborhood school. 

    Students will be assigned Saturday School for excessive tardies and for unexcused absences.  Repeated absences or tardies for any reasons will result in a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting with an administrator.

    Pupil Support Services will mail letters to parents or guardians with students that are excessively tardy, excessively absent excused and/or unexcused.


    As required by law, SARB will be initiated after the third unexcused absence and/or tardy.

    A student who is habitually truant or irregular in attendance may be referred to a SARB. (Ref. E. C. 48263)

    SARB meetings are held at the Pupil Support Services office.  The goal of SARB is to improve the attendance of each student.  This goal can be achieved once the family identifies the obstacles that prevent the student from having regular attendance. The SARB panel along with the family and school staff will develop and implement strategies to address the issues making regular school attendance a concern.



    In addition to the SAUSD Dress and Grooming Guidelines, Villa Fundamental follows a Fundamental Uniform Policy. Below are the expectations for the Villa uniform in addition to the SAUSD Dress and Grooming Guidelines.

    Please be aware that for the 2023-24 school year, 8th grade students on the Century High School campus will be following the Dress and Grooming Guidelines and not the Villa uniform policy. 


    Villa Dress Code

    • SAUSD Dress and Grooming Guidelines
      (Based on BP/AR 5132)

      The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. Students’ clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction, which would interfere with the educational process.  (cf. 4119.22 – Dress and Grooming) (cf.  5132.5  - K-8 Mandatory Uniform Dress)  ( cf. 5145.2 – Freedom of Speech/Expression Publications Code).  BP 5132 (a)

      In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with law, district policy and regulations.  These school dress codes will be regularly reviewed.  (cf. 0420- School Plans/Site Councils)

      Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress and grooming standards at the beginning of the school year and whenever these standards are revised.  (cf. 5144 – Discipline)

      Each school shall allow students to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day.  (Education Code 35183.5).

      In addition, the following shall apply to all regular school activities:
      • Socks will not be pulled up to meet bottom of shorts.
      • Shoes must be worn at all times.  Shoes must be enclosed.  Sandals must have heel straps. Flip-flops or backless shoes are not acceptable.
      • Bandanas and black gloves are not permitted.
      • Hats and caps shall not be worn indoors, only school issued baseball caps are allowed.  No beanies.
      • No hoodies worn over head except outdoors in inclement weather.
      • Any clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures, initials or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likeness, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice or depict initials, OC or SA in old English lettering.  No sharp or spiked jewelry is allowed.
      • No belt buckles with logos or initials (including anything related to weapons, drugs, or of a sexual nature) are allowed.
      • No wallet chains.
      • Jerseys or shirts with team logos are not allowed.
      • Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times.  See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.
      • Gym shorts may not be worn in classes other than physical education.
      • Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed.  Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
      Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports and/or classes.  (cf.3260 – Fees and Charges.)

      Gang-related Apparel:

      At individual schools that have a dress code prohibiting gang-related apparel at school or school activities, the principal, staff, parents/guardians and community-based crime prevention organization participating in the development of the school safety plan shall define “gang-related apparel” and shall limit this definition to apparel that reasonably could be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school environment if it were worn or displaced on the school campus.  (Education Code 35294.1)

      Because gang-related symbols are constantly changing, definitions of gang-related apparel shall be reviewed at least once each semester and updated whenever related information is received.

      Discipline Provisions:
      • BP 5132 (a):  Students who violate these standards shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
      • AR 5132:  School rules are consistent with law, district policy and regulations.
      Appropriate Disciplinary Action:
      • Conference between school personnel, the pupil’s parent or guardian, and the pupil.
      • Referral to school counselor, psychologist, social worker, CWA personnel or other school support service personnel for case management and counseling.
      • Spare shirts and pants and uniforms
      • Spirit shirts
      • Campus beautification projects
      • Behavior Contract
      • Community Service
      • Appropriate and gradual loss of privileges for repeat offenders after utilizing and documenting other means of correction


Last Modified on August 27, 2024