



    Consistent school attendance is one of the keys to academic progress.  The California State of Education Code requires that we verify every student's absence.  A phone call is required each day if a student is absent for all or part of a school day.  It will be helpful if you contact the school between 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to report your child's absence.  Also, be sure to send a note explaining the absence with your child upon his/her return. The following reasons are the only valid excuses for absences:


    1.0        Pupil Illness

    2.0        Quarantine

    3.0        Doctor’s Appointment for the absent child

    4.0        Bereavement – Immediate family




    Parents or guardians must call the school Hotline to report any extended absences for any reason.  An extended absence is defined as more than 2 days.
    Please click on the link for Attendance Hotline Letter:   pointing arrow    Attendance Hotline Letter

    We encourage families not to schedule vacations during school time.  If unavoidable, a student should arrange for homework from his/her teacher. Notify the office at least one week in advance of a trip of such length.  Assignments need to be completed and returned to school upon returning from leave.  Please note that if a student is absent more than ten consecutive school days, his/her enrollment at Jefferson cannot be assured. 


    After 4 unexcused absences, you will receive a warning letter from the district. Absences or tardies that add up to more than four days per year, can lead to a fine, and/or a district meeting with the District Attorney’s office.



     Be on time, and come to school every day!





    We need your assistance in making sure your child arrives to school on time.  Tardy students must report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class.  When students arrive late, they disrupt class and miss important instruction.    




    Classes begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. There is no supervision available for students who arrive before 7:15 a.m. The school is not legally responsible for students who arrive earlier than 7:15 a.m.  



    Students are to leave immediately upon dismissal from school.  Students waiting for rides are supervised for up to 15 minutes.  School Police may be contacted for students habitually picked up beyond 30 minutes of dismissal time. 




    We would prefer that students stay in their class the entire school day. Leaving early is counted the same as being tardy. If a parent or guardian must pick up a student before the end of the school day, the adult must go to the school office to sign the student out of school. A member of the office staff will then call the student to the office to leave with the parent or authorized guardian. No child will be allowed to leave the school with any person who is not listed as an authorized guardian on the student's contact list. 




    Should your family move away from the neighborhood belonging to Jefferson, or out of the Santa Ana Unified School District, please inform your child’s teacher and the office at least one week before the child’s last day. This provides the new school with needed placement information and allows for a smoother transition for your child.