COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will demonstrate their understanding of movement skills, using proper techniques. This will include a variety of dance styles: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, and tap. Students will engage in choreography assignments: learning various dance routines, understanding and demonstrating proper dance vocabulary, and analyzing various works of dance. Activities used in this course will promote skill development, sportsmanship, good health, body mechanics, and the value of physical exercise.
Jannike Avila, Dance Director
Students: jannike.avila@sausdlearns.net
Parents: jannike.avila@sausd.us
PROPER ATTIRE: Our goal is to have a neat, uniform appearance as a safety measure.
Hair: Must be secured with a hair tie.
Shirts: Must wear gray P.E. shirt or a Green/Gray/Gold Saddleback High School shirt. Plain gray shirts are acceptable.
Shorts/Pants: Students may wear their purchased P.E. shorts or approved black dance bottoms.
Shoes: Only ballet slippers, jazz shoes, or bare feet are allowed. Tennis shoes may be worn on specified days.
Sweats/Sweatshirt: ONLY FOR WARM UP AND COLD WEATHER USE OUTDOORS and are ONLY IN THESE SOLID COLORS: green, gold/yellow, or gray.
Your instructor will do all marking in black permanent pen. Students are not allowed to make any markings on their uniforms. This will result in the purchase of a new uniform. Uniforms are available all year long at the ASB window.
Loaners are required and provided to students who have forgotten their P.E. clothes. A SHS I.D. or personal item is required to borrow loaners. Students will only be allowed to use loaners three times a quarter without penalty. After that they will be marked down as a Non-Suit, but will still be required to dress.
Students will be issued a locker during the first few days of school. They are expected to record the combination in their agenda, memorize it, and give the combination (or extra key for a key lock) to their P.E. teacher. Cash or other valuable items, such as phones, should be stored in your P.E. locker during class. Students will be held accountable for any missing valuable items that have not been locked in their locker. The teacher, school, and/or school district is not responsible for any lost or stolen property in the locker room. AEROSOL/SPRAY DEODORANTS ARE NOT ALLOWED! Students will not put locks on any locker other than their assigned locker. Larger lockers are available for students to store items in during their dance period only.
LOCKER ROOM: The following items/behaviors are NOT allowed in the locker room: food, drink, running, horseplay, loitering after dressing, throwing items, profanity, and loud noise. No standing on benches in the locker room.
GRADING: A student’s Physical Education grade is based on the ability to meet individual responsibilities: attendance/tardiness, proper uniform, daily effort/participation, attitude towards activities, attitude towards peers and instructors, knowledge, skill assessments, and additional dance assignments.
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 0 - 59
10 points per class: Deductions will be as follows:
Dressed (Suit) = +2
Attitude/Behavior = +3
Effort/Participation = +3
Attendance = +2
Deductions will be as follows:
Non-Suit = -1 to -2
Attitude/Behavior = -1 to -3
Effort/Participation = -1 to -3
Absent or tardy = -1 to -2
*Additional assignments, dance routines/choreography or other, will be assigned each week. Points for assignments will vary.
PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to participate unless severely ill or injured. Daily participation is necessary for this P.E. course. If a student is unable to participate, a note from home (with parent signature) is required. The student will be required to dress for class, with their participation level modified. Notes from home are only good for a maximum of 3 days. If the condition lasts more than 3 days, a doctor’s note is required. All points and activities missed may be made up within a week from participation clearance or within a week of an excused absence. Non-participation will require the completion of an observation form completed each day of the non-participation. Excused, prolonged non-participation may result in an alternative and relevant assignment.
EXTRA CREDIT: Opportunities to earn extra credit will be given throughout the year. This will include additional assignments, attending dance performances, and other opportunities.
- To participate in all activities
- To have a working knowledge of dance terminology
- To perform in the Spring Dance Concert (date TBD)
- To keep a notebook/journal of vocabulary, critiques, written assignments, lesson notes, and self-evaluations.
DISCIPLINE POLICY: It is expected that all students will behave in a proper manner with a strong work ethic. Points will be given for attitude/behavior every class period. If a student’s attitude or actions are disruptive or disrespectful, the following steps may be taken: warning, call to parents, meeting with parents & possibly admin.
Click Here to Download Syllabus: Download Dance Syllabus