Wren, Chris (APEX)
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Cesar E. Chavez High School
Mr. Park
Class Expectations 2016 - 2017
Grading: This class is graded on point system. Each assignment you turn in will increase the points you have to complete this course.students have 45 days to finish a class to earn 5 credits. On day 24, students will get a progress report. Grades are on Aries so parents and students can check their grades anytime. Points will be deducted for phone use not related to classwork.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for and make up the assignment.Possible Extra CreditCurrent Events: Students can choose interesting science current events articles to read and complete a prepared form (10 points or more depending on the extent of the article). The maximum points allowed - 50 points. (newspapers, magazines, cnn.com, register.com., latimes.com., sciencedaily.com)
Reading Essentials workbook: Students can read and reinforce the concepts in the standards and respond on the pages assigned.
If any parents need to contact me, please call after 2:20 (every weekday except for Wednesday) and I will be very happy to discuss concerns about your child. Phone number is (714) 430-5700. email: chu.park@sausd.us_________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________Parent Name Parent Signature Parent phone #_________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________Student Name Student Signature Student phone #_________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________ _______________________________________Subject Course # Date Period
Last Modified on December 12, 2016