• Welcome to César E. Chávez High School!

    Gabby Munoz


    My name is Gabriela Munoz, and I am currently the Family and Community Engagement Liaison at César E. Chávez High School. I have been working for the SAUSD since 2017. I started as a clerical sub. Then, I accepted a position as a site clerk at Hoover Elementary. After that, I became an attendance technician at César E. Chávez High School. I am excited to continue working with the students and families here at Chavez High School.

    Office:  714-430-5737


    Cell: (657) 595-5178


    Email: gabriela.munoz@sausd.us


    Location: Room 107


    Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm


    Instagram: cesar_chavez_hs_face