• The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is an important test for middle school English learner students. This assessment is designed to evaluate our students' language skills and proficiency in English. When students first enter the school district, they are given a home language survey that helps the district determine a student's first language. If it is determined that their first language is not English, then the initial ELPAC Exam is administered to the student to determine their English proficiency.  Each year, the test is given and is used as one of the indicators that a student is ready to reclassify.  Once a student achieves a 4 on the exam, they become eligble for reclassification. The ELPAC Assessment plays a critical role in determining student progress and identifying areas where students may need additional support in developing their English in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Below is a calendar/timeline with ELPAC Assessment information for Mendez Fundamental School. The timeline also includes other events and exams related to reclassification. 

ELPAC Timeline by April Salas