César E. Chávez High School’s Vision, Mission, Description
César E. Chávez High School’s Vision is to meet the unique educational, physical, and social-emotional needs of our diverse student population in a safe and nurturing environment, while encouraging students to develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning and the desire to pursue college and career opportunities.
César E. Chávez High School’s Mission is to provide a second chance for students to achieve academic success that leads to graduation, college and career readiness. Through trauma-informed practices, rigorous instruction tailored according to students’ needs, multi-tiered intervention, and the implementation of WHOLE student strategies, carried out by a caring and nurturing staff, our school will meet both the social-emotional and academic needs of our students. With this approach and in collaboration with community partners, our students will graduate high school and be equipped with the skills needed for college success and beyond.
César E. Chávez High School is a continuation school with the Santa Ana Unified School District. In a small setting, César E. Chávez offers a student-centered second chance at success with the goal of helping struggling students by serving the whole student. César E. Chávez High School has three main areas of focus: 1. Create a positive and supportive culture with trauma-informed care, a therapeutic web, positive and restorative relationships, social-emotional learning, schoolwide learning outcomes, and parent engagement; 2. Provide meaningful and engaging instruction through blended classrooms, project-based learning, reading, writing and math literacy, tutoring and academic support, and preparing students for college and career opportunities; and 3. Deliver a chance for accelerated academic achievement with accelerated credit opportunities, competency-based opportunities, credit recovery, APEX courses, college readiness, and small class sizes. César E. Chávez High School places a heavy emphasis on making students WHOLE through the processes of Wellness, Hopefulness, Organization, Literacy, and Empowerment.
To begin with, César E. Chávez focuses on student wellness, with the belief that a healthy mind, body, and spirit are requirements for an engaged and productive learner. Next, César E. Chávez believes hopefulness gives students the will to discover a purpose and thus develop their desired goals. Once students have found hope and wellness, the focus moves to organization and literacy. By creating and maintaining systems for order and increasing academic competence and knowledge, students open pathways for success. Through these interventions and supports, students at César E. Chávez will ultimately become empowered, understanding how to effectively communicate their needs, and succeed in any environment. By becoming WHOLE, students will not only find success at César E. Chávez, but will find success in college, career, and life.