Meaningful ActivitiesHere are some meaningful activities we use in our class!
Name: Procedures:
Stand Up/HandUp/Pair Up -Community Building with Students finding what they have in
-Students stand and mix around the room, Hi-5 to pair
- Take turns sharing
Team Word Wall: -Students work in pairs, then in small groups to create pictures to
add to a class word wall.
Carousel Sharing
-Markers Up, hand out, equal participation
-Students practice Read/Write/Listen/Speak as they add ideas
to concept posters
Check it/Add it: -Students take notes/respond to a prompt then draw a line
under response.
Go To Your Corners: -Students form groups in corners of the room based on similar
abilities or interests then buddy up andshare.
Pairs2: -Students pairs re-group with pairs from opposite corners and
share ideas.
Team TPR: -Student groups develop gestures (TPR) to teach the class
about a concept:
“ACTION” = Group Models Gestures
“TAKE 2” = Class does gestures with the group
Find Your Twin: -Students Pair up based on similar traits (shoes, shirts, etc.)
then share learning strategies.
Hide and Guess: -Students write a question and answer (HOTS), then have the
facing partner guess the answer and level ofquestion.
Think – Pair– Share: -Teacher prompts “Everyone to think…”, students then pair up
and share.
Cross theLine: -Students respond to prompts from opposing viewpoints then
cross the line to pair and share differentperspectives.
Music Share: -Music = Mood Motivator
Music Plays – Students mix around the room
Music Stops – Students Pair and Share Lists
Snaps for Vocabulary: -Students practice active listening, students listen for key
vocabulary and snap (or acknowledge) whenthey recognize it.
Give one/Get one: -Students respond to as many questions as possible for a short
time period. Then mix around the room to trade and teach
ideas to fill in any blanks:
Initials = Accountability
In any order = Access
Group Write: -Students write simultaneously on a poster to review
ideas/words about the concept.
Gallery Walk: -Thinking First, Students roam from poster to poster and
appreciate the work. Studentsinitial their favorite idea for