• Mrs. Cervantes

    5th Grade


    My name is Mrs. Cervantes and I teach 5th grade at Esqueda.  This is my 20th year teaching in Santa Ana Unified School District, and this is my 14th year at Esqueda.  I have taught 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th grades.  However, most of my years have been in 5th grade.  I was born and raised in Santa Ana, and am a by-product of the Santa Ana Unified School District.  I have two sons, who currently attend SAUSD schools as well.   

    My educational background includes a B.S. in Child and Adolescent Development from Cal State Fullerton, a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Masters Degree In Education from National University.  I have a love of learning and am always continuing my education through training and collaboration with my colleagues.

     I strongly believe that parent-student-teacher communication is the key to student success.  I use Class Dojo as the primary source of communicating with parents.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school by phone or e-mail, message me on Class Dojo, or come by my classroom afterschool.  I am looking forward to working together and having a fantastic school year!


    Mrs. Cervantes

    Phone: (714)431-1500 

    E-mail:  jennifer.cervantes@sausd.us

  • Mrs. Cervantes

Last Modified on August 22, 2022