Hello Esqueda School Community,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! My name is Jessica Salcedo, and it is my honor to introduce myself as your new principal. Over the past 21 years, I have had the privilege of serving as a classroom teacher, district administrator, instructional coach, and assistant principal, all within the Santa Ana Unified School District. I am excited to continue my journey by joining the wonderful Esqueda family!
Driven by love for our students and the Santa Ana community, I am committed to ensuring that all students get what they need to be successful. As a mother of 3 children, I know the important responsibility of a principal to foster a culture of belonging for all students, and to have high academic expectations with support in all classrooms, for all students, every day.
Esqueda’s vision of high academic achievement for all students resonates deeply with my own values and is also aligned with our district's graduate profile, which guides all the work we do in SAUSD. Our shared goal is to prepare our students for college and career by providing learning opportunities for students to develop competencies toward becoming world-ready scholars, architects of their learning, collaborative leaders, community builders, empathetic communicators, and global innovators. As your principal, I am dedicated to furthering this vision of a graduate, and my experience in developing instructional models, leading school-wide support systems, and fostering professional learning communities will support our shared goals.
I look forward to partnering with each of you—our talented staff, engaged families, and, most importantly, our incredible students—to build on Esqueda’s strong foundation and continue toward our vision for the future.
Thank you for welcoming me into the Esqueda family. I believe in the collective efficacy and power behind working together with staff, families, and students to create the highest level of excellence in our learning environments for students.
Together, we will create engaging, inclusive, and academically excellent learning spaces, where every student is empowered to reach their full potential.
If we have not met, please feel free to come visit me anytime. You will also see me in the front of the school each morning and afternoon during drop off and pick up, so please stop by and say hello. I look forward to a wonderful school year ahead!
In partnership,
Jessica Salcedo