Welcome to Mrs. Rosillo's Distance Learning Page!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at:
All activities are suggested and optional. They are enrichment!
Suggested Daily Agenda (Monday through Friday)
-1 Reading assignment on Study Island (Study Island assignments are due on Sunday night for the whole week)
-1 Math assignment on Study Island
-20-30 minutes of Reflex Math
-20 minutes of independent reading (books at home or Myon)
-20 minutes of play/exercise
-1 creative or expressive activity such as drawing, pretend play, write a story, puzzles, legos, etc.
-1 free choice (NWEA, Jiji, Lexia) if you want to do extra work
*Don’t forget to look at Learning Fun Links if you are looking for more ideas for free choice.
School Name = Manuel Esqueda
Login: Lunch number
Password: inititals month day <--birthday (no year) Same as your Lexia password
Lexia Core 5 (sign in fiorella.rosillo@sausd.us)
If it says "whoopsie get your teacher" you are using an outdated device.
Please use another updated device that supports Lexia Core 5.
Top: Lunch Number
Password: Initials + bday (month day) <--no year
Please visit Learning Fun Links
Please check back often.