• Dear Parents,
    Here are the items discussed at Back to School Night:
    Absences:   Always call the office if your child is out.
                     714-431-1510 or 714-431-1500
                     You can also send a note the following day or let the
                     teacher know ahead of time.
    Shoes:       For safety reasons I am pleading you to buy velcro or slip
                     on tennis shoes.  Many students do not know how to tie
                     the shoelaces at this time and many accidents occur.
    Volunteers: Let me know if you can volunteer in the classroom
                      (you need to be finger printed by school police first),
                     or you can always take some work home.
    Test Scores: Remember what is slashed or marked on the
                        assessment is what your child knows.
                        What is blank is what you need to review.
    Book Orders:  I will be sending book orders at times.  If you are
                         interested in ordering books, send money with book
    Daily Folders:  Please clean "Daily Folders daily!  There are times
                         I need paperwork signed and returned ASAP.  This folder goes home daily 
                         and is returned daily.
    Homework Folders:  They go home on Mondays and need to be returned on Friday.
    Email:          maria.ponce@sausd.us
                       Please add student name on the subject box.

Last Modified on May 16, 2024