Illuminate Home Connection
Please click the banner or the web address to access the Illuminate Home Connection. Please talk to your teacher about "how" to login to this site.
Accelerated Reader-click on linkStep 1- Enter
Click on "Student"Step 2- Log in
User Name: ID Number (lunch number)Student Password: s + your ID number (example- s12345)Step 3- Take placement test
Click on "Star Reading" and "Take a Test"Try your best so you can be placed at the highest possible level
Good luck!Go to this site for ARusername: student #
password: student passwordLexia Reading Core5 at home:Visit www.lexiacore5.comLogin <---their school id or lunch # for bothDownload Lexia Reading Core5 for the iPad, available on the App storeLogin <---their school id or lunch # for bothClick here to download Core5 for your home desktop computer.You will need your child's teacher's email address. Type in teacher ex. jill.puich@sausd.us <---use your child's teacher's nameTo Access ST Math (JiJi) at home:1. Open a web browser and go to2. When it prompts for the access code, enter:
ESQ 75i HNP 5Z R96If the small i doesn't work, type it with a capital letter.3. If it prompts you, click "Allow" for local data storage.Please note: That is a capital i as in indian not l as in lion.EDUCATIONAL SITES- Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia - LINK: wikipedia.org
- PBS Kids - LINK: pbskids.org
Phonics Lessons- LINK: http://www.starfall.com/
- BrainPOPjr - LINK: brainpopjr.com
- World Wide Telescope - LINK: worldwidetelescope.org
Smithsonian Museum Games - LINK: si.edu
- NASA Space Place Kids - LINK: spaceplace.nasa.gov
- National Geographic Kids Games LINK: kids.nationalgeographickids.com
- Fun Brain - LINK: funbrain.com
Phonics Worksheets
Identify beginning and ending sounds
Phonics Matching worksheets
Teaching Phonics: worksheets generator
Phonics matching worksheets for short vowel sounds
R Controlled words matching
Phonics worksheets for short vowel sounds to write short vowels
Phonics worksheets for long vowel sounds to write long vowels
Phonics worksheets : OI OY sounds
Phonics worksheets for OU OW sounds
Handwriting practicePhonics Flashcards Activities CVC Flashcards -with uppercase alphabets
CVC Flashcards -with lowercase alphabets
Long vowel (magic E) flashcards -with lowercase alphabets
R Controlled words flashcards
Last Modified on November 6, 2023